Backing up your GoDaddy Parallels database with CodeGuard is easy! Simply follow along with the tutorial below.
Step 1: Find Database Credentials
You will need the following pieces of information to connect your database to CodeGuard:
- Database Hostname or IP
- Database Name
- MySQL Username and Password
- MySQL Port Number
If you have this information already, you can skip ahead to step 2.
Hostname: Your hostname will most likely be your domain name or the IP address of your server. After logging into your account click on the 'Databases' link under your website's information.
Find the database you are trying to back up in the list provided. Under the 'Database Server' field, you will see the IP address to use for connecting, along with the port to use. In this example, we will need to use the IP address and port 3306.
Database Name: During the database addition process you will be able to select the database you are trying to back up from a list of available databases. If you have more than one in your account you should determine ahead of time which database you would like to backup.
Username and Password: You need a MySQL username and password with permission to access the database you would like to back up. To create a new database user, click on the 'User' tab from the page you are currently on in your GoDaddy dashboard.
On this page, you can choose to select an existing user for connecting your database (You can click on the name of the user to see password information) or create a new one. We are going to create a new one called "codeguard_user" for connecting to CodeGuard. Click the 'Add New Database User link.
Select which database you would like this new user to belong to, and then fill out the rest of the form.
Write down all of the information that we just found and keep it close. We will be using it shortly!
Step 2: Whitelist CodeGuard IP Addresses
In order to connect your database to CodeGuard, you must allow remote MySQL access of your database. To accomplish this, you will need to contact GoDaddy support for assistance with whitelisting our following IP addresses:
Step 3: Test Connection
It's time to navigate back to the CodeGuard dashboard. When you click to add a database you will first be asked to test the connection. This is a necessary step to make sure that we can connect to your database from our servers. Enter your IP address or hostname in the input field (found in Step 1).
Next, fill out the form with all of the information that we gathered from Step 1.
Step 4: Add Database
On the following page, you will be asked to select the database you would like to be backed up. Click the Add Database button to begin backing up your database.
That's it! Your website database is now securely and reliably backed up with CodeGuard every day.