Effective February 15, 2021, the CodeGuard support center will be merging with the Sectigo support center. This means that support emails will come from support@codeguard.com, and the knowledge base will be hosted on sectigo.com. There will be no interruption of our services, and you will continue to receive top of the line support during and after this transition.

Manually Restoring Your Site Through The WordPress Plugin

If you are ever unable to restore your website automatically through the plugin, you can request a zip file through your CodeGuard dashboard by following these steps: 

1. Select the WordPress site that you need to get a zip file for.                               wp_restore1.png     

2. Then select the date you need and click "Request Zip", once you click this button do not leave the page, the backup will appear shortly.     wp_restore2.png

And you will see a note appear over the calendar like this:      wp_restore3.png

3. Next, click "Download Backup" and a backup will start in your browser for your zip file.                                                                                                                                 wp_restore4.png                                        

4. For this next step, you can do this a number of ways, typically we use FileZilla, but there are other options like CyberDuck or you can do this in the terminal according to this support article. You will need the FTP username or password for your website to connect. You can contact your host to get this information.

5. Make sure to unzip your backup before connecting with FTP. Once you are able to log in, navigate to where your website files are. You should see three folders of files in your unzipped backup. They are what you will be replacing.                           

6. Go into your site's public_html folder and drag the three folders into your server to replace the folders that are active in your website. You will be prompted about overwriting the files that are already there, select 'Overwrite" and "Apply to current queue only". It may take some time to complete replacing the files.                                       7. In the meantime, you will need to grab the database file from your backup in the wp-content folder under codeguard_backup is the name of your website and the file in that folder "mysqldump.sql" is the backup of your database that can be used to restore your database.                                                                                                                 8. To upload this file you would need to access PhpMyAdmin. In your cPanel, log into phpMyAdmin under the databases section.

9. Next to upload the actual zip file to the site using PhpMyAdmin. Select your database on the left side of the screen.                                                                    

10. Once selected, click "Import" at the top of the page, then upload your database backup.                                                                                                                                        

Once you upload the database backup file your site should look as it did the day it was backed up. If it does not, contact CodeGuard Support.

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